I doubt if you still remember the night we met up having both engulfed in the bleakness.
I recently came to this crossroad. It gave me much thought. It embodied where we were intersected once in life, even just for a night.
I have felt it. It was almost like it was hanging in the air. I do not know what made me think of it but it was what I have felt. Nothing was making any sense in the night we spent, murky flow of time, stanched with boredom and ignorance.
The butterfly that was once freshly in style metamorphosed into moth, too many question marks, too many empty words thrown around for social convenience.
We then grew apart, separated by a decayed wall in the name of oblivion and it was covered by the greyish veil of unspoken words. Neither of us contacted each other.
I did not even have the courage to initiate anything. It was a graveyard for me, a tormented place of lost infatuation. You have forgotten me but I guess I have not. I vividly remembered how we met. You were rampage murderer, slowly and cruelly assassinating what was once the best thing that happened to me.
Then… things started to decay after 4months. It was the time when my feeling towards you started to run dry. Your vaguely familiar face exchanged with my dismissive look. I have been taken you and conformed to the definition of perfection.
Perhaps somewhere in the great scheme of life, in the endless V-niverse flowing on an eternal river of time we just meant to have that one night, a horrid night, stormy and tarred, opened the gates to my most feared daemons. They gathered from the darkest corners of my mind and came haunting me. The terrible struggle, fed by the storm outside, echoed inside me like a hurricane. For once, the invisible claws of these daemons held my heart in a painful grip.
To you, maybe it is nothing.
To me, it is the bleakness of mortal realm.