Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Midlife Career Change

Between 2017-2019, I was caught in limbo, hesitating on the future and the urge for retirement haunted me. Since then, I was thinking of a career change. I did not really plan for it, often woke up in most weekends, aimlessly cerebrating what to do for the day. A laid-back Aussie life customarily ended me up with a soy latte and fancy brunch. I ran out of conception on where my current trajectory feeling that I have gotten most from it and solemnly thought that life should not be just like that.

In late 2019, I took the move. Switching career is certainly not my impulse decision but rather, I call it a determined vicissitude in life.

Saturday, February 22, 2020


It dated back in 2011 when I completed my doctorate program and kicked off my career as an academic.
There were times, usually when insomnia hit or the weather was crappy or a question gnawed at my curiosity, when I broke down and started researching again. Sometimes, I helped outside friends to pull PDFs from academic article subscription services using university resource; other times I tried really hard to publish papers together with ex-colleague, whether tagging along or by working together for mutual benefit.
For the last two years there was a constant fear I had spent too long in the university and I have reached the final stage of my life: Legacy. There was occasion when I was travelling to work passing by graveyard, the thought set in: “would I die here in Australia or should I move back to Malaysia so that I could rest in peace in my home country?”
I was quite blessed to have decent pay and full-time job in my academic career life. For all the jobs that I applied and shortlisted, every interview sessions propelled me to successful appointment-from UNSW, to relocating to Abu Dhabi then coming back to Sydney for Macquarie University. Most of my mates could not even get into academia or job that match their qualification after their PhDs. There were bouts of anger as I hear about other brilliant, skilled dudes who did not get a job because they have too much education.  
Leaving academia is not easy.  There are few places that allow me to work whatever hours appeal to myself and worry primarily on one or two things.  This makes academia a very sheltered and privileged place. I thought it could be hard to step out from the comfort zone. However, my trial in January and the subsequent duties I was tied to in the following month, it seemed that I have been adapting well.
Today, I am coming to accept that I am a Recovering Academic and looking for a way to pursue the next tier of life on my own terms. I have taken my first step early this year stepping out from academia for the greener fields outside the ivory tower. My worth is now determined by how I set direction, complete difficult tasks quickly, and working with people towards a common goal. Leaving academia does not mean leaving behind the part of mine that thirsts to acquire and share knowledge. Rather, I am now venturing into the new area, blockchain in Finance.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

My brother's wedding

My brother got married last week and I was so tempted to give a speech during his wedding ceremony – the most monumental milestones in his life. My intention was called off knowing that it was probably not the right place and audiences to deal with and here I ended up with, a blog post dedicated to my brother Lung. Writing this post made me feel sentimental and nostalgic especially since when we were younger, those days we grew up together and at some point of time my brother was my sworn enemy in the early age.

Being the eldest son in the family, we have taken sibling rivalry to some sort of level, and our fights would once get violent. I can vividly remember bashing his head on the glass cabinet door in one occasion, simply because he has broken pieces of my Lego sets which were deemed to be precious to me at that time. Ironically, he is now with Lego group and I am ordering Lego sets from him from time to time. I still feel guilty about this until now and I would very much like to apologise on this matter. If I were to give a speech during his wedding, I doubt I would burst into tear coming to this segment of speech.

Given our bloody past, it amazes me how great we get along as adult in the later years. We have managed to keep bickering to a minimum in the last decade or so. And even though I am sure we still get on each other’s nerves occasionally, we have learned to deal with conflicts in a mature manner rather than engage in potentially hurtful and damaging confrontation, we breathe, take a step back and do the sensible thing.
My dad exclassmate reunion party in 1998
Family trip back in 2010
Gathering in Gardens, Kuala Lumpur 2011
Chinese New Year in Sekinchan 2012
Family trip in Genting Highlands, 2013
Youngest brother birthday in Midvalley, Kuala Lumpur 2014
A quick catch up in Publika, 2015

Over time, my brother has grown to be a confidant. No one can truly understand our family’s craziness better than the two of us or three of us including the youngest brother, so we have to stick together in such a big family tree.

Needless to say, I was very happy for him when he found his wife, Gacky. It is nice to see the right person who can share life with him and more importantly, it is nice to see him happy. I know he will make a loving husband and a fantastic father because he has always been a great brother, son and friend to all of us.

Thursday, January 01, 2015

My 2015 and beyond

Brand new year today and the way I decided to treat myself was to hide myself in my studio and have some snacks and give myself some time to WRITE, which I still love doing, and still haven't figured out how to structure my life in such a way that I can prioritize it. There is part of myself that wants to be frustrated that I don't write or meditate every day and that the house somehow manages to never be totally clean and organized the way I want it to be. And there is another part of myself that has to admit and accept that I make choices every day that impact my ability to do those things - I choose to spend time most evenings watching recurring series to pick up any minor plot that I have missed and I choose to stay connected to many of my friends/ flirty dude and exercise my social leanings frequently, if in different forms than in previous years, and all of these choices result in having to accept compromise and the reality that I cannot devote all of my time to any one thing, and therefore won't do everything and can't do everything. I'm working on it, and simultaneously fascinated as I discover my own internalized biases against agedness. At this point I am not sure. So mote it be.

I feel a little fixated on observing the passing of time and analyzing the unfolding of my life. I evaluated all of these aspects of my life, two concepts notably being my recognition and acceptance of my then single-ness and beginning to let go of my comfort zone in Sydney, which both stand in stark contrast to now. Now I am just months away from my returning day to Sydney, where I have lived in the past 10 years and place I gained most positive successes I have ever known, and looking forward a continuing journey to my enthrallingly delightful land.

Many years back, I felt fascinated by how rapidly and drastically the road ahead of me, at that time, was about to change terrain. That process has become the essence of how I see life being functional for myself. Till last year, I relocated to Abu Dhabi, a choice that certainly impacts my future outcomes, to work with the circumstances over which I have no control and present to me something different in every moment seems like the only way to achieve peace. This period in Abu Dhabi has trained me well to be patience and move forward all the while doing the things I can to influence my own life. Today I can say with a feeling of great gratification that I have done exactly that. I did not immediately do that, nor am I in the midst of a robust, busy work schedule providing ample income. I envision that being down the road and will keep working toward it. 

At this significant milestone, I do not enjoy being engaged in this work that feels deeply unsatisfying. Despite the enthusiastic positive feedback I have received, the soul-deep satisfaction is minimum. At the age of 30, the successes are insignificant. The aging... it's starting to get challenging. I wish it weren't true, but it is. It is another phase of life. I have been pondering for a while how am I possibly elevate this phase to a higher notch. I've done a lot in my 20s including attaining a number of degrees with the highest as Doctor of Philosophy and property-wise an Accord Euro which then replaced with Audi A5 and lastly the multi million Ringgit apartment in Sydney. Now I need to give my 30s a definition, get to the root of it and ameliorate it. I might be reaching the end of that belief. It is not coming with any great mourning, but more of that stoic acceptance. 

I am starting to have insight into my elders as I am more and more often experiencing a mindset that feels archetypically older. I seek more quiet than I ever have, choosing to listen to classical music over, much of the time. I quitted partying some while ago and go out much less often. I am reluctant to travel alone and I feel myself cringe a little as I admit it. I am experiencing a waning. Some of the activist fire in my belly is dwindling. Writing that sentence brought me to tears. A lot of tears. I think because it is admitting defeat. I think I need to be crystal clear here - I will never, ever accept that the way I am leading my 30s is reasonable or appropriate. I know there is a better way, beyond the shadow of a doubt. 

Friday, October 10, 2014






Monday, July 28, 2014


Departure is about dreams dashed and passions rekindled. Well it has finally happened. My time in Australia comes to an end after 8.5 wonderful years.

Only 3 days before I leave Sydney and I am getting sentimental about the impending departure. I started to pack up my stuff today and I want to prepare myself with an uncluttered mind prior to my departure.

I decided to simplify everything by throwing away redundant and unnecessary items. Some of my unused gears were cracked and useless so I threw them away. Some documents were obsolete so they went straight to the trash pile. Some of my books (unread and read) were kept in the garage while some just had to go. It is not easy to let go of some of the things as I am always a sentimental creature. The cleaning up task is indeed a lost-memories recollection process.

Marathon of farewell parties in the past few days have enough eloquent moments to compensate for its sickly sweet sentimentality. Saying goodbye to my friends was quite sad and I admit to shedding a few tears. Those warm, giddy and comfortable feeling can only occur when reunited with old friends who understand everything about the jokes I made.

As an immigrant myself in Australia, I too know the longing one continues to feel for one’s homeland, culture, and familiar surroundings even decades after making a new home someplace else, the pain of relocation is still fresh. Coming to Australia has blown my own mind wide open and I am so privileged every single day to be able to work with people from every corner of the globe. It is indeed a multi-racial nation rather than just Malay, Chinese and Indian as what my home country claimed to be. What seems to matter is that we have found new friends in this strange new land. We are able to see past cultural and societal differences and just play together and learn from each other. Somehow, we allow differences in culture, wealth, power, and religion to obscure the fact that we are all human beings. All these contradict to the practice in my home country where being an aborigine (bumiputera) outweighs everything.

Relocation gives me the chance to experience the bigger world. I shall gain new perspective, I will learn that the world is different than what I expected. There is room to expand my horizon and these experiences shape me to a better self. I salute myself with the immense sacrifices that I have encountered in this relocation process and with the precocity that comes with life-altering decision to move across the globe with immense grace and strength. I should be commended on my ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014






第一个Easter break 去了墨尔本和阿德莱德。那是一个好玩的年代。

暑假有幸拿到做研究的奖学金,第一个夏季呆在大学,研究的题目 Application of load paths to fibre steering and conceptual design of composite structures. 当时觉得很庆幸,因为大学人人平等,身为留学生的我,可以跟当地人竞争,大家都有机会,那是马来西亚不可能的事。记得那时一周有AUD420 的钱拿,真开心。












本人以往对歌唱觉得还好,觉得自己没什么天赋。也是今年认识了唱歌朋友,成立了Pooh家族,维尼,跳跳虎,Piglet,Eeyore 成员如图。 



2011年底,开始了大学里的正式工作,除了教书大半部分是研究。 很多人都以为大学工作只是纯教书,学生放假老师理所当然跟着放假。那是二流大学的制度,像我的工作一大半是研究成分,一年得发多少篇文章,拿到多少研究资金等等。一般工作都是常规的例行公事,而大学研究工作是看你的研究成果和贡献。总体来说就是一个非常用脑的任务,这样的一个工作性质让我有机会每年出国发表文章。

2013 年,加入了澳洲国籍,成为一等国家的公民。还没申请之前,曾犹豫了一阵子,毕竟还是有一个情愫在,放弃不了原本得国籍。深想一层,这一份情愫不能当饭吃,多少人千方百计掏钱移民不就是为了这个。我可是自己争取回来的,不能怪我不怀旧,只是我看不到希望。





